How to find a wordPress developer

Finding and hiring a WordPress developer can be even more challenging than finding a contractor to fix your house. If you are to hire a plumber to replace a leaky faucet you know the person has to work in your area (which limits your options) and the “work” relationship will be over in a matter of hours. The world of WordPress development is different. You can potentially hire someone living on the other side of the globe. Also, some web projects last month, many developers can be working for you for many years. How is one to start this search and hiring process? Here is a list of some choices that you might have.

Hosting Company

Most hosting companies offer wordpress development services to their clients. The upside is that your website is already hosted with the provider so you have a business relationship with them. The downside is that these options are not the cheapest, the developer will be assigned to you (you do not get to choose the specific person) and the work will be project based. That means that the  developer will not be there to check on your or follow up in the future.

Freelance Website

There are a host of websites (like Upwork, Codeable or Freelancer)  where you can post our project and have freelance developers bid on them. The prices and abilities will vary greatly between different developers so you will have to put in the extra effort sifting through the offers to find the best match for your website and your project. You might just find your “forever” developer there or land on a “never-again” one.

Web Development Agency

Hiring an agency is not the cheapest solution but has 2 strong benefits. An agency offers you a team of developers so you are not reliant on one person that might just decide to go on vacation when you need them. They also come with more credibility and expertise than a free agent advertising on the internet.

Local developer

If you care more about the long term relationship with your developer and want to be able to meet them in person, consider hiring someone local. There is a great value in having a person that has personal knowledge of your business helping you deliver the most out of your website. The best way to find them is through Google Business listings in your area. Ask your friends and businesses around for recommendations. The personal relationship and trust with your website developer will be a great asset to your company.

Photo by fauxels